If you get stuck at any point, here is a walkthrough that will help you:

This game was completely developed during the GMTK Game-Jam Event 2021 in 48 hours. That includes the graphics, gameplay elements, music, sound design, code and the idea for the game.

The theme was “joined together”. Therefore, we combined two senses from humans, sight and hearing. Only if you merge these abilities together, you will be able to escape the lab. Breakout is an atmospheric puzzle-horror game.

In Breakout you play a professor working in a lab, which had an accident where an outbreak of viruses has taken over your colleagues. Your mission is to leave the lab without getting hit by the zombies. Therefore, you must play around with the abilities of those zombies. One can only hear you and they can only be visible for you when you send out sound waves with a whistle. You will notice them by the sound they make. But consequently, then they will recognize your position in the room. The other one is attracted to light. They will also see you if you see them with your flashlight. They will move to the last place they have seen you with your flashlight on. So, choose wisely how to trick those zombies with your tools, to let you escape. 

Have fun and Breakout!

Made by Moritz von Basum, Tim Stockmann, Alex Potapov


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Interesting game!


Gruseliger als so manches Horrorgame und man könnte eher 5€ dafür verlangen als für das neue Monte-game. Respekt, das ihr das in 48h geschafft habt.